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Mattress Care

When your mattress arrives

Glencraft is a not-for-profit social enterprise, with a mission to ensure the sale of every hand-crafted mattress and bedding product creates a positive impact on the lives of its employees, customers and the wider community. Using the experience we have accrued since we first opened our doors in 1843, we take pride in creating high-quality mattresses that stand the test of time. Only the finest natural materials have been used in the construction of your mattress, so you can sleep well in the knowledge that all the materials come from sustainable sources and are fully recyclable.

To ensure you get the most from your new Glencraft mattress, follow the Care Instructions below.

Please Do

  • Use a high-quality mattress protector, such as those available from Glencraft
  • Alternately turn and flip your mattress regularly. Do this every month for the first year of ownership, then every 3 months thereafter.
  • Brush the surface of the mattress regularly.
  • Keep the mattress flat at all times.
  • Air the mattress on a weekly basis.
  • Allow the mattress sufficient time to dry thoroughly from any accidental spills.

Please Don’t

  • Fold, bend, roll or drag the mattress.
  • Sit on the edge of the bed regularly.
  • Stand or jump on the mattress.
  • Use the mattress in conjunction with anything but recognised good quality base.
  • Vacuum your mattress unless absolutely necessary, as this may disturb the soft fabrics within the mattress.

Cleaning the Mattress

  • Ideally your mattress should be cleaned every 3 months.
  • Clean your mattress with a lint roller or a soft brush, on a regular basis.
  • It is recommended to not wash, launder or dry clean the mattresses as they are made from 100% high quality natural materials.
  • To remove stains, use a textile cleaner or furniture foam
  • Do not soak or apply stain remover directly to the surface of the mattress. We recommend spraying the cleanser onto a clean cloth and then blotting the stained area with the cloth.
  • Please do vacuum the bed base, underside of the mattress and the floor under and around your bed as dust can accumulate.

How to flip and rotate your mattress

Flip the mattress 180 degrees so that the sleeping surface becomes the bottom surface.

The rotation is done by swapping the ends, head to toe.

Massaging the mattress sleeping surface by hand from time to time helps to retain an even consistency in the comfort layer.

The sewn on handles are intended to help rotate and position the mattress while lying flat on the divan base. Handles sewn to the mattress are NOT designed to support the full weight of the mattress and you would risk damaging the border upholstery.

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