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Prime Minister’s letter of congratulations

The Prime Minister has congratulated Glencraft on its Queen’s Award for Enterprise success.

Boris Johnson wrote to Glencraft to recognise the charity winning the award for promoting opportunity through social mobility.

At the time of the award announcement, Glencraft paid tribute to the legacy of it’s chairman Duncan Skinner, who sadly passed away last month following a year-long battle with cancer. It was Duncan’s idea to enter the awards, and he was told the social enterprise, he helped to save 11 years previously, had won a few days before he passed. 

In his letter, Mr Johnson said: “I am writing to congratulate you and your team at Glencraft for achieving The Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the Promoting Opportunity category.

“I understand that Glencraft has previously been recognised by the Royal Family in the form of a Royal Warrant, having supplied their mattresses for four generations.

“This Queen’s Award further recognises your important work in providing opportunities to local people in Aberdeen. Glencraft richly deserves this recognition for its outstanding achievements as a business, social enterprise and charity, as well as your use of sustainable and ethically sourced materials.

“I would also like to offer my condolences on the passing of Glencraft chairman, Duncan Skinner. The achievement of The Queen’s Award is a fitting tribute to the man who helped save your social enterprise 11 years ago and contribute to its many successes.”

Mr McWilliam said the letter had given Glencraft a welcome boost.

He added: “It’s not every day you get a letter from the Prime Minister. We very much appreciate the recognition of our achievement and thank the Prime Minister for his kind words about Duncan, whose loss has been felt by us all at Glencraft and in the wider Aberdeen community.”

Glencraft won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise, Promoting Opportunity (through social mobility) for supporting people from under-represented groups, while providing training support to its staff and a sustainable business model. The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are one of most prestigious business awards in the country.

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