A mattress plays a very important role in reducing back pain. A mattress that is of poor quality can be the cause of backaches and pains which result in a bad night’s sleep.
A good quality mattress provides your spine with the same alignment it’s used to when you’re standing. If your body is resting in its natural position, you’ll feel more rejuvenated as your muscles are in a relaxed state.
Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Mattress
Optimum Spinal Support
Your body should be laid up flat with steady support and have uniformed surface contact, which helps distributes body weight and relieve strain on the spine.
Firmness or Softness
If it’s too firm, will increase pressure on your body and if it’s too soft, will form an uneven surface when you sleep.
When choosing a firmness, the heavier you are the more firmness you will need. Have a look at this guide
If you and your partner are different weights or one suffers from back problems then you can get a mattress with variable firmness on each side. Get in touch to discuss a variable firmness mattress
Turning and Flipping Your Mattress
Flipping your mattress ensures that it wears evenly and not just on one side. In the case of a mattress made of natural fillings it’s important these fillings are plumped up by flipping it.
If you find yourself having back pain whenever you wake up, you may need a new mattress. Several studies recommend mattresses should be replaced every 7-10 years. A horsehair mattress will last for at least 10 years, if turned and flipped as per the manufacturers care guide. Some have lasted for 20+ years!
You’ll often find 2,000 individual pocketed springs in orthopaedic mattresses, which act individually to allow gentle support for the contours of the body which is good for treatment of pain and long term orthopaedic support.
Horsehair, once processed for use in a mattress, also acts as millions of tiny springs across the mattress which offers support for the spine.