Why Autumn Is The Best Season

Why Autumn Is The Best Season

1. Halloween

We all love a good scare, free sweets, dressing up in your favourite spooky costume and the best thing…. scaring children who come trick or treating!

2. Christmas

The build up to Christmas generally begins in November, so the anticipation to this major holiday is firmly part of the Autumn season.

3. Apples

It's harvest season for apples so why not bake that apple pie or at least keep the Doctor happy with "an apple a day...".

4. Extra Sleep

The weather is usually cooler, and it gets darker fast, prompting one to snuggle up with a hot chocolate. It’s time to hibernate on your luxury mattress.

5. Inexpensive Outdoor Activities

In Autumn, the prices drop at parks. So go grab a jacket and get outdoors!

6. Season of Sports

Football, Rugby and other sports are back on TV.

7. Mother Nature’s Beauty

Driving across the country at this time, you notice the scenery change colour, and t’s hard to ignore how breath-taking every leaf on the ground looks.

8. Conkers 

It that time to find conkers and take them home to soak in vinegar so they can firm up as your new weapons!

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