Why Old Pillows Cause Skin Breakouts

Why Old Pillows Cause Skin Breakouts

* Experts recommend you change your pillow every 6 months

How long have you had your current pillow for?

This item is in contact with our face for up to 8 hours every day. Are you still experiencing breakouts on your face after washing regularly? Is it where you have contact with your pillow?

This condition is officially known as acne mechanica, which refers to acne that forms as a result of dirt, dust or oil transferring to your skin from an object or material coming into contact with your face. This dirt goes on to clog the pores and leads to blemishes.

An old pillow accumulates dirt, dust and oil from your face which can lead to break outs. For a small group of people with very sensitive skin this might be due to the material used, but in most cases, it is probably a case of acne mechanica.

Preventive Measures

Short term solutions:

  • Avoid sleeping in make-up or with an oily face or oily hair. All this dirt seeps into your pillow.
  • Pillow cases will reduce the amount of dirt that goes into your pillow. Ensure your pillow cases are made from natural fabrics and clean them every week.
  • Wash your face regularly to ensure your pores aren’t blocked and no dirt will go into your pillow.

Long term solutions:

  1. Wash your pillows, check the care labels first.
  2. Change your pillows every 6 months.
  3. Consult your dermatologist on the best cleansing treatments for your skin, if the acne is persistent. 

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